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GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries against your data models. Unlike REST, which often requires multiple endpoints that return fixed data structures, GraphQL allows clients to request precisely the data they need in a single request. This is achieved through a strongly-typed schema that defines the types of queries, mutations, and subscriptions the API supports.

Flexible Queries: Clients can query exactly the fields they need, even nested resources, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching of data.

Single Endpoint: Instead of multiple Rest endpoints, GraphQL typically uses a single endpoint to handle requests. This simplifies API management.

Introspection: GraphQL APIs are self-documenting. The schema can be queried to understand what operations are supported, making it easier for developers to explore and integrate.

Strongly Typed Schema: The schema defines the types and their relationships within your API. This ensures that clients can only request what's possible.

Real-time Updates: Through subscriptions, GraphQL supports real-time updates, which is crucial for modern applications requiring live data.